Paid Story Requests: 21/12/2009

21Dec 2009

Get paid to feature in these, or any other real-life magazine & newspaper articles. Sell a story to a magazine or newspaper today.

Story Requests from the National Press: 16/12/09

16Dec 2009

Today’s story requests from the national press. Sell a story, or get paid to be a case study in one of the story / case study requests.

Story Requests (15/12/09): Earn Cash Today.

15Dec 2009

Here are the latest PAID stories that we are looking for right now. If you, or anyone you know, fits the story profile, get in touch and earn cash today. Visit to register your details.

Latest Story Requests: 11/12/09

11Dec 2009

Here are today’s latest story requests. Find out how to sell a story to the press.

Story Requests: 08/12/09

08Dec 2009

Appear in a Women’s Magazine. Earn cash today. We are looking for these stories right now.

Story Request: 7/12/09

07Dec 2009

Today’s story requests from national media. Get paid to feature in any of these magazine & newspaper articles. Sell a story to the press.

Story Requests: 3/12/09. Get Paid to Feature in these Articles.

03Dec 2009

See the latest story requests from national media. Get paid to feature in any of these magazine and newspaper articles. Visit: to let us know if you fit the profile, or tell us about a different story that you would like to get published for cash.

Story Requests: 02/12/2009 – Sell a Story or Appear as a Case Study

02Dec 2009

Here are the latest story requests from national press. You can get paid to feature in any of these magazine and newspaper articles. Sell a Story or Appear as a Case Study

Paid Story Requests: 01/12/2009

01Dec 2009

The latest story requests from national press. Get paid to feature in these magazine and newspaper articles. Visit: to let us know if you fit the profile, or tell us about a different story.

Relationship Stories: Yours and Ours!

30Nov 2009

The latest blog from Famous Features journalist, Alex McGowan. Alex talks about relationships, how to sell a story and the Famous Features office.

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