Story Requests – 21/04/2010

21Apr 2010

Latest story update. These are the stories are looking for right now. Get in touch and let us know if you would like to appear in either of these magazine articles.

FamousFeatures’ Jo Running the London Marathon!

19Apr 2010

When Jo lost her uncle Pete to cancer, and her dad was diagnosed too , she figured she needed to do something to acknowledge the good work of Cancer Research UK – who had saved my dad and did their very best for Pete. Jo is now running the London Marathon. Read her blog entry here.

Stories Uregently Needed: 3/4/2010

02Apr 2010

Visit if you have any stories that you would like to sell to the national press. Your real life experiences and true stories could earn you cash; sell a story now.

People Needed: Earn Cash Today 24/3/2010

23Mar 2010

We urgently need these stories right now…. (see story requests below) Just visit to tell us if you would like to get paid to feature in any of these true life stories or features. Send us your details by filling in our online form. You should also get in touch if you have any other stories that you would like us to consider. You could earn cash from real life stories and experiences.

People Urgently Wanted: Get Paid to Appear in a Magazine

09Mar 2010

We urgently need these stories right now….
Could you feature in any of these true life stories. Just check the story request update and fill in our online form if you would like to get paid to appear in a magazine or newspaper. Sell a story now.

Alex’s Blog – Summer Stories Wanted

09Mar 2010

CALLING IN ALL YOUR SUMMER STORIES. The latest story request blog from Alex McGowan. Alex is looking for all of your summer stories to publish in national magazines and newspapers. Sell a story toaday and earn cash.

The Moment A Mum Knew

01Mar 2010

Natasha's moment of madness cost her dearly

Your stories needed today – for cash. 26/02/10

26Feb 2010

We need these stories or people right now. Get paid to appear in a magazine or newspaper. Simply visit to tell us if you would like to get paid to feature in a story.

Appear in one of these features and earn cash: 11/2/10

11Feb 2010

Our latest story requests: Get paid to feature in any of these magazine or newspaper articles. Visit to send us your details and find out how much we will pay you. You can also send us any other real-life story ideas at FamousFeatures and you will earn cash if we can publish them for you.

Valentines Stories – Alex McGowan’s Blog 02/02/2010

02Feb 2010

Alex McGowan’s Valentines Day story blog. Sell a valentines themed story. Selling your story to one of the top national magazines or newspapers is the best way to get your story across effectively, in the way that you want.

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