Stories Wanted: 12th October 2010

12 Oct2010
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Stories are urgently needed.  You will be paid to appear in a magazine or newspaper story.

See the list below and visit: to tell us if you can help us with any of these real life stories or features.  Send us your details by filling in our online form (located at ).

Also – please get in touch if you have any other stories that you would like us to consider.  We are looking for new story ideas every day. Your real life experiences and true stories could earn you cash; sell a story today.

We’re still looking for lots more Xmas stories to fill the pages of out magazines.  If you have any story relating to Christmas, you can earn cash today!


Wanted for: Woman’s magazine story.
Person or Story Wanted: Looking for female case studies whose lives have mirrored Xmas soap plot lines. Will be paid.

Wanted for: Daily Newspaper.
Person or Story Wanted: Interesting true stories for the women’s pages of major daily newspaper. Will be paid.

Wanted for: Glossy Women’s magazine
Person or Story Wanted: Women with unusual wedding stories, in particular:
Got married within weeks of first meeting, or on one of first ‘face to face’ dates. A couple who waited until their wedding night to sleep together – but NOT for religious reasons. A bride who had a total body transformation before her wedding. Will be paid.

Wanted for: Daily Newspaper.
Person or Story Wanted: Man or woman who used to be gay but is now in a relationship with the opposite gender.

Wanted for: Daily Newspaper.
Person or Story Wanted: Couple who have a great life together, but don’t have sex for some reason.  Need to be photographed and identified in the paper.  Will be paid.

Wanted for: Glossy magazine
Person or Story Wanted: Woman aged 18 to 35 who has had cosmetic surgery and who had had unexpected side effects.  Will be paid.

Wanted for: Weekly women’s magazine
Person or Story Wanted: A murder or strong love rat story – preferably told from the female perspective.

Wanted for: Glossy magazine.
Person or Story Wanted:  Female entrepreneurs who have set up a thriving business – with a good story behind it. Free publicity.

Wanted for: Sunday Newspaper Magazine.
Person or Story Wanted: A male sex addict and his girlfriend/wife to talk about the problems of living with a sex addict. Will be paid.

Wanted for: Glossy magazine.
Person or Story Wanted: Newsy/trend stories. Looking for features that focus on new social/lifestyle trends. For instance, Divorce Parties, Quick-fix surgery, Lifestyle IVF, Meddling – the new way to date, Portfolio career.  Get in touch if you have tried something new/different/unusual, and now others are following suit; or perhaps you’ve seen friends doing something new and think it’s bound to take off. Will be paid.
Wanted for: Woman’s weekly magazine.

Person or Story Wanted: A strong reunion story to be told from a female’s perspective. Will be paid.

Wanted for: Glossy magazine.

Person or Story Wanted: Women in their 30s and 40s who admit they pay for sex. Will be paid for appearing.

Wanted for: Sunday Newspaper Magazine.
Person or Story Wanted: A rape victim for part of a report on women who cry rape; we’re looking for a woman who’s been raped to comment on this.  There must be a conviction.  Will be paid for taking part.

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Please get in touch if you think you could help with one of these magazine or newspaper stories.  We will pay you for your participation, so visit today and fill out our online form.

If you would like to sell a story that isn’t on the above list, just let us know; we are looking for all kinds of stories.

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